You can't dig a different hole by digging the same one deeper.....
Put me down for a ticket.
Published on November 26, 2004 By Tisane In Life Journals
Have just thrown my printer across the kitchen...
Don't ask why, it just seemed the most natural thing to do after the bloody thing wouldn't work.....
I really must do something about my knee jerk reactions though....

Well, thats it, the UGB is back in Germany tomorrow.... back in the uk Tuesday (I think).... do I think I will hear anything? Truth... I don't have the faintest Idea... do I care? OF COURSE I BLOODY WELL DO!

The ironic thing is.... I have potential B/F crawling out of the woodwork.... and I don't have the least bit interest... bummer huh? I am probably missing out on some golden opportunities because I am blinkered by my love/infatuation/obsession/lust/I DON'T BLOODY KNOW! for the UGB.

I know I will get over him, and I know it will take time.... but couldn't I just hibernate until the spring and that way I don't have to go through these withdrawal symptoms??? Please?? HUH?

on Nov 26, 2004
You could hibernate, but it wouldn't do you any good, whenver you woke up your feelings would be right where they are now. But throwing computer equipment around the room is always fun
on Nov 26, 2004
Thanks Dan, always find aggression and violence fun in confined areas!!!
on Nov 26, 2004
Hey! Welcome to JU!!!!!! I'm in an excitable mood...please forgive me! Thanyou ever so much for your comment, it was increbibley sweet, and very much appreciated! I have knee jerk reactions too, Im terrible for it, my computer is forever going insane, and I always think a good kick from me will make it better, though it never does! They say a sign of insanity is repeating the same action over and over, and hoping for a different outcome. Maybe I am insane!

Love hurts alot. Especially when you can't shake it. I hope you get through your problems, and though I am not the least bit rational in my own life, I can be quite helpful to others, so if you ever need support I am here .