Put me down for a ticket.
Have just thrown my printer across the kitchen...
Don't ask why, it just seemed the most natural thing to do after the bloody thing wouldn't work.....
I really must do something about my knee jerk reactions though....
Well, thats it, the UGB is back in Germany tomorrow.... back in the uk Tuesday (I think).... do I think I will hear anything? Truth... I don't have the faintest Idea... do I care? OF COURSE I BLOODY WELL DO!
The ironic thing is.... I have potential B/F crawling out of the woodwork.... and I don't have the least bit interest... bummer huh? I am probably missing out on some golden opportunities because I am blinkered by my love/infatuation/obsession/lust/I DON'T BLOODY KNOW! for the UGB.
I know I will get over him, and I know it will take time.... but couldn't I just hibernate until the spring and that way I don't have to go through these withdrawal symptoms??? Please?? HUH?