You can't dig a different hole by digging the same one deeper.....
baffle them with bullshit.
Published on December 20, 2004 By Tisane In Life Journals
I have just made a rather snazzy discovery on my other blog where I have a stats counter..... it also shows me the IP address(Please, those amongst you that are billy wizzes at this sort of thing, soit patiente avec moi!)..... and its been quite interesting to see who has been hitting the site.......... oh yes indeedy.... the UGB for one. Now theres a curious thing.... he won't text, e-mail or whatever, but he will hit the web pages on a regular basis......... will some-one please explain the male psyche to me.... after all I only did psychology and psychiatry for 17 years!!!
on Dec 20, 2004
I can explain the male psyche: Men are stupid. Not that the helps in this case, but at least you know your being read. Although, I do something similar. There is someone I can't talk to but I'll check various websites that sometimes offer information on how she is doing.
on Dec 20, 2004
yes but do you not talk to her through your own choice or because you just don't want her to know?
on Dec 20, 2004
I don't talk to her because she doesn't want me to talk to her. So I guess that would be my choice to respect her choice? I'm hoping she doesn't know I visit the sites I do because it would probably worry her.
on Dec 21, 2004
well, that is highly commendable of you, respecting someone elses wishes is a good thing......... I how ever am a bitch and I am on my way to hell in a handcart, so I don't really care(although I have a suspicion he will never hit the sites again after today!)