ANOTHER dream filled night...........
But this one was horrible... I woke up feeling.... well, Very very angry and twisted.... if you cut me now I would probably bleed sulphuric acid!
Why am I always surrounded by lying, spineless, weak men? Men who lie to preseve their arse, are too cowardly to say what they REALLY think and too weak to know their own mind? I know I am stronger, emotionally and mentally than most men, and quite often physically too........ but this is now getting beyond a joke!!
At the moment I feel like being Oppenheimer ... you know, 'Now I am become Death...the destroyer of worlds' ...........
But I think its only a passing fancy... it would take too much effort and I would lose my self respect... and all for a dream. Nah, not worth it..... And I do hope that friendship will happen...... and that is more important to me. Although to be truthful, I do not have infinite patience.... and I know at some point in the not too distant future will stop caring about the whys and wherefors.... I don't like pathetic people,I don't like cheaters and I don't like liars. At some point my tolerance will wither and will be replaced.......... although what with I have no idea... apathy problably! The ''sorry, you must have me confused with someone who gives a shit' sort of thing.....I am gong to leave this for a bit, because I am going to do a touch of self analysing.... see if I can come up with some answers....