You can't dig a different hole by digging the same one deeper.....
Can You Hear Me Mother?
Published on November 26, 2004 By Tisane In Life Journals
I have a blog with Bravenet, but it is aimed specifically at certain people ... and I kinda guess its the inner workings of my soul...a deep and putrid place already morgaged to the dark side!

So this one will be the blonde and fluffy version....although it makes me wonder if perhaps I am feeding into my psyche's need to have multiple personalities!!

So where am I? (in a metaphysical sense... in a literal sense I am obviously sat in front of the computer)I am swiftly approaching forty.... and I can't wait. his year has been deplorable...and funny, when I look back, all my 9 years have been crap, and the 0's have been great... hopefully that will be a self fufilling prophecy!

I made a list at the begining of the year of things to do before I hit forty.....

1 Get divorced (on its way!)

2 Move to London (done)

3 Get sent flowers (nope... but I DID get sent a HUGE box ofThorntons !!!!!)

4 Travel more (well, have done Paris and Munich in the past 2 months...)

5 Learn to drive (NOT A HOPE!!)

6 Start acting again (well.. I played Lady Macbeth...)

7 Go Blonde again (yup)

8 Have the best sex of my life (OH YES INDEEDY)

9 S**g Sean Bean (Bit of a non starter that one)

10 Give up smoking (ermmmmmmmmmmmmmm....p'raps not then)

So I guess I kind of managed about 50% of them.. And if Sean Bean should just happen along and read this... YOU HAVE 3 WEEKS MATE!

Ok so thats this started... i will add to it as and when I feel like it... sometimes it will be total crap, but what the hey!

on Nov 26, 2004
Nothing wrong with blonde and fluffy. Have fun with your list