You can't dig a different hole by digging the same one deeper.....
By digging The same One deeper.
Published on November 26, 2004 By Tisane In Life Journals
What have I done?

In a fit of pique with the university, I have (to myself at least) decided to jack it all in and go back to will someone please tell me why I have applied to Virgin Atlantic? I HATE flying!!! (actually no, I don't, I just find it incredibly boring.....)

If I am totally honest, I have the suspicion that my need to return to work is fuelled by my ever increasing shoe fetish...(NO! not that way Numpty!)... at the last count I had well over a hundred.... and even I can see that that is a little extreme to say the least.

(My EX would hve a dicky fit... when wewere in Paris he banned me from buying any shoes or clothes!!! And Quite rightly too... I still have things with the labels on!)

I have also discovered that my multitasking skills aren't as honed as they were, while writing this I am also e-mailing Ralph in Kissing (Doncha just LOVE that name??? Its a suburb of Munich, halfway between Munich and Augsberg) And he is getting the odd EFL bit thrown in for free!... Funny, because he uses the same english phrases that the UGB (Useless German Burk, if you really want to know) used to use, and they are obvious pure translations... but they sound odd in english....

You would have thought I would have learnt my lesson really after the UGB but nope... I continue to talk to various German bods... some of them are nice, some are boring and some are just downright wierd!!! Internet dating sites have got a lot to answer for....

Talking of which... I must seem like an easy ticket to a UK passport, considering some of the responses I get... although i was MORTIFIED to get a mail from a 70 year old... yes, ok, I know 70 year olds need love too, but PLEEEEEEEEZZZZE!!!!!!!

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